Event Calendar

Friday, December 13, 2024

80th Installation & Awards Banquet

Start Date: 12/13/2024 6:00 PM EST
End Date: 12/13/2024 10:00 PM EST

Venue Name: Truss

2061 W. 25th Street
Cleveland, OH  United States  44113

Organization Name: HBA of Greater Cleveland

Sarah Gillen
Email: sgillen@hbacleveland.com
Phone: (216) 447-8700

Please join us in celebrating the HBA’s 80th Awards and Installation Banquet!

Andrew Gotlieb of Keystate Homes will be installed as 2025 HBA President!

Registration Information:
- Registration closes on Tuesday, December 2nd.
- $150 / person
- Includes dinner, two drink tickets, and valet parking

Cocktail hour will take place between 6-7 PM, followed by dinner and awards (7-10 PM). 

A Reservation Made is a Reservation Paid
The HBA cannot accept cancellations or issue refunds due to venue guarantee policies. All event invoices must be paid prior to the event.

Please contact Sarah Gillen at sgillen@hbacleveland.com with any questions. We hope you can join us!

Online Registration

Registration is Closed
Closed: 12/3/2024 11:45 PM

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